Magnetic Signs
Magnets have immediate impact, with long term results.
Full color printed magnets are an inexpensive way to keep your message in front of customers and prospects. People that receive magnets stick them in a visible location for a long time. At home the refrigerator, A/C air handler, water heater and electric panel is the home for magnets. At school the locker is the place for magnets. At work metal desks, file cabinets, doors and even walls are places magnets get seen.
Vehicle magnets are great for signage. Super strong for outdoor use, vehicle magnets have the advantage of easy removal. Service trucks can be parked overnight in residential neighborhoods as long as the signage can be removed. School pride magnets on the side gas caps are becoming more popular than bumper stickers.
In addition to a large variety of standard shapes, we offer custom die cut magnets. We welcome the opportunity to custom manufacture a magnet laminated, affixed, or perforated on to card stock for your mailings, inserts or handouts. Give us a concept, and we can deliver a customized solution.
Here are some of the magnets that we offer:
- Business card magnets
- Calendars
- Direct mail magnets
- Invitations
- Save the date
- Schedule magnets
- Vehicle magnets
Or Call: 407-260-0116 to speak with one of our specialists.